I give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I recount all your wonderful deeds. I’m glad and exult in you; I sing praise to your name, O Most High."Psalms 9: 1,2. Greetings from Annammal College & School of Nursing I thank Lord Almighty for all his grace & blessings during the academic year 2022-2023.
Annammalcollege of nursing was started in the academic year 2007 which is run by Austin Memorial Charitable and Educational Trust. This trust is formed on the memory of the visionary late Mr.J.Austin with the motto of “Love your neighbour as you love yourself”. The academic year 2022-2023 has documented various incredible developments in our institution headed by our honourable secretary Dr.J.A.Jayalal and our chairman Dr.Sheeba Jayalal, through their knowledge of excellence in education and practice. I want to express my earnest gratitude to our trustees, Dr.Jeyaraj, , Dr. Adlin Jayachandra,Dr.Jekin,Jeffin & ourAdministrative Officer Mrs.Hazlin Linnet.
Annammal College of Nursing is an institute with total commitment to quality and excellence in academic pursuits. We groom our students, not only in the field of discipline, but also broaden their mindsets and create positive attitude. We are establishing a sustainable professional learning community to continually look for improvements and innovative teaching strategies to support students for their full potentials. We are in path of preparing students for comprehensive learning and Global Placement. We are currently training 197 B.Sc. (N) students 14 M.Sc. (N)students,30 PBBSc students,133 DGNM students and 4 DMLT students.
The vision of our institution is to motivate and equip the students with nursing aptitudes in the rural areas so as to empower them and to bring up the standards of society and thereby achieve physical, mental, social and spiritual health of the people.
The mission of our College is to provide Accessible, Affordable High Quality Education to diverse students for the development of nurse practitioners at all entries of practice.
The main objective of Annammal College of Nursing is to impart the health care
facilities with human face and instill the attitude of providing tender loving care with empathy and compassion to the needy and sick people .
Our students have made commendable achievements in their academics. For the academic year 2022-2023 M.Sc. (N)-II & I Years got 100% result& all batches of B.Sc. (N) students got 98%,DGNM got 98% result& DMLT got 100% results and most of them got first class with distinction.
BSc (N) – Ist YEAR
BSc (N) – IIndYEAR
BSc (N) – IVth YEAR
MSc (N) – I st year
MSc (N) – IInd year
PBBSc - I yr
PBBSc - II yryr
DGNM – Ist year
DGNM – II nd year
DGNM – IIIrd year
OBG – 1
Amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic our nursing students have emerged as the heroes of unprecedented crisis. They were actively involved at the front line of patient care in ourhospital, and Govt hospital kuzhithurai . Our students’pivotal role in battling corona was highly appreciated.
Various festivals such as Onam, Christmas, Diwali and Pongal were celebrated in College to bring the students close to each other’s cultural beliefs and tradition to develop respect and understanding for each other’s customs and traditions.
All students of Annammal College & School of Nursing are expected to participate in various professional activities, conferences and scientific sessions organized by the Association. Membership is compulsory, on admission both at the local (branch/ unit) and national levels.
All studentwere enrolled as members of Student Body Association at the institutional level. The executive body of the association is elected by voting after filling in the nominations from different Students affairs (Hostel, Mess, Discipline,Health Care, Studies) and co-curricular activities are coordinated and organized by different committees under the guidance of faculty members. The executive body of the association met together and planned the activities for the whole year under the guidance of SNA President Dr. Adlin Shinija, Principal & SNA Advisor Mrs. Divya, Professor. Some of the committees under SNA are the Health , Sports,Cultural & Entertainment, Publication, Fellowship/ Spiritual, Literary, Moral committees.
During the college hours students were given regular sports hour during which they were given the opportunity to play outdoor games. Even in hostel, indoor games such as carom & chess and outdoor games badminton, tennikoit etc. are available. Sports kit for playing outdoor games such as cricket, basketball, throw ball, badminton etc. has been provided to the students.
We have nominated 2 BSc (N)students, 1 MSc (N) student for receiving scholarship from central SNA Unit. From our college 1 student ie, Ms. Reeja wills from I MSc is selected for receiving Rs. 24,000/- from the central level.
30th SNAI Biennial conference 2023 ,the zonal level meeting & competitions were organized at Dr.Jayasekharan college of Nursing. Students from our college also participated for the conference and competitions. Then the state level competitions were organized at Dharan College of Nursing . Students from our college has also participated with SNA Advisor.
Fire mock drill was organized for the students from Kuzhithurai fire station on 12th January 2023 under the guidance of fire officer Mr.Chandran& team
Pongal celebration was organized at our campus on 13th January2023. Students of all batches were prepared the Pongal traditionally. Best one was chosen and
awarded with prizes.
On National Voter’s Day , voter’s day pledge was taken by all the eligible voters in the campus.
Republic day was also celebrated by organizing elocution competition in 3 languages, fancy dress and rangoli competition with patriotic spirit. Our belowed Chaiman Dr. Sheeba Jayalal has hoisted the national flag.
The TNAI Tamil Nādu Branch has organized competitions to commemorate International Women’s Day. Students from our college also participated in slogan writing, Doodle art, short film making & Debate competition.
SALT (Student Advocacy & Leadership Training) VIIIth Zonal meeting was arranged at CBH CON on 13th April. vice president & secretary were joined for the meeting.
International Nurses Day was commemorated on 12.5.23 by project works on BLS Training, First aid training and helping the needy by providing a sewing machine to a poor family at Padanthalumoodu.
Seminar on Self Empowerment was organized on 15th May 2023 with the TNNMC credit hours of 5& National conference on Safe Patient Handling was conducted on 19th December 2023 with the TNNMC credit hours of 5.
Youth meet was arranged for the students on 4th August at Lakshmi Narayana Mandapam, Marthandam.
Independence day was also celebrated by organizing elocution competition in 3 languages, fancy dress and rangoli competition with patriotic spirit. Our belowed Chaiman Dr. Sheeba Jayalal has hoisted the national flag.Onamfestival was celebrated on 24th August 2023.Students performed various events like Thiruvathira, Onappattu, Athappoo, Onaitheehyam and Ona Sadhya was arranged for the students
International Yoga Day was celebrated with a workshop on Yoga by the guidance of Yoga Trainer Mr. Krishna Raj.
All the important national and international days were celebrated in our college by organizing Role play, Health screening, Seminar, skit, symposium, villupattu etc.
Teacher's day was celebrated on 15th September 2023 by the students of all batches. Students have organized different games for the teachers& the winners were awarded with prizes.
FMPB meeting was conducted on 28th October to enrich the student’s spirituality.
Students day celebration wasorganized on 16th October by the staff of Annammal family, different games & programmes were arranged for entertaining the students.
Diwali also celebrated by conducting competitions like Rangoli
Last outgoing batch were arranged thanks giving ceremony on 18th October & On the same day , III Year BSc Nursing Students were arranged Farewell party for them.
Seminar on Antiragingwas organized on 24th November by Kuzhithurai Taluk Legal Aid Service for all the students of Annammal Family.
On behalf of International Day of Persons with Disabilities, students of Annammal College and School of Nursing and Rotaract club visited a person named Ms.Mary with Disability near to Thiruthuvapuram on 05/12/2023. From SNA, the students had given a Financial Aid of Rs.1000/- to the disabled person.
Carols competition was conducted at Christian CON, Neyyoor on 25th November.One group from our college also participated.
YMCA organized competitions like Villupattu, Carols on 2nd December for the students. Students from our college were participated and won the first prize in Villupattu& 3 rd for Carols.
In order to exhibit the talents of the students, cultural competitions were conducted for the students on 2nd December & 16th December. The best one received theaward .
On behalf of Christmas, competitions like greeting card making, Carols, Lantern Making, Star preparation, crib & Christmas tree making was conducted for students. The best one was selected& awarded.
Academic achievers of every year are also awarded with medals.
Through these activities, students gained not only knowledge on subject but also developed social and communication skills, self- confidence and leadership skills which will help them in professional upliftment.
Our Institution has dedicated team of faculties who takes the job responsibility role in every aspect to bring decorum within and outside the campus in all academic and non-academic matters. Every working Saturday, the staff were presenting innovative topics to kindle the mind with the new updates on evidence-based practice
Maintained minutes of the faculty meetings
Organized staff motivational / recreational/ spiritual activities such as Picnics, Retreat etc.
Provided opportunities for attending various workshops, seminars,symposiums, and conferences conducted by various institutions and agencies in and outside the locality /state.
Counseling of students on admission and as per the need of the learner
The students are getting financial assistance through scholarships in the category
of SC, ST, BC.&Pudumai penn.18 students received first graduation scholarship, 25 students claimed SC scholarship and 30 students have received BC scholarship,38 students received pudumai penn scholarship during the last academic year.
Our institution has membership with various voluntary organizations including National Service Scheme, Youth Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Rotary,Ys Youth International and CMAI which was directed by able handed faculties.
Various committees are functioning within our institution to look after many of the proceedings including Staff welfare committee, Student welfare committee,Anti ragging committee, Curricular committee, Selection committee Health committee, Hostel welfare committee, Disciplinary committee, Environmental sanitation committee, Spiritual committee, Journal club, Science club, Tamil literary committee, English literary committee, Sports committee, Gardening committee, Library committee ,Grievance committee. Moral education committee ,Cultural committee & Internal compliance committee .The committees help the students to maintain professional modesty, update knowledge and unveil their talents in all the aspects.
Our institution has a good Zealous spiritual team. We carryout daily prayer,
special prayer and monthly fasting prayer.
We have alumni association with the active participation of our alumni students.An interactive link in the college website has been created where, our alumni can post their request, suggestions, job opportunities as part of continuous interaction process with our alumni.
* Free consultation and distribution of medicine in health centre Melpuram.
* Mass health education program ,home visit ,self health group services &helping hand at community level.
* Public awareness rallies on National,International health days.
The department of Medical Surgical Nursing is a broad specialty of nursing strives to transmit in-depth knowledge related to adult health nursing including geriatrics. The educational mission of the department is to develop exception nurses in nursing profession. The clinical service of the department includes clinical supervision of students, patient care, health education and research activities. The success of our department is team work. The department is equipped with highly qualified and dedicated staffs to impart knowledge to the students by various teaching strategies.
•On 12th January 2023, a fire mock drill was conducted in our campus for all the students by the government fire service department. All the students had an opportunity to learn about various disaster management.•On behalf of World Cancer Day 4th February 2023 health talk was led in GH about Warning signs of cancer.On World Kidney Day, Our College students visited a Chronic Kidney Disease patient in GH Dialysis Unit on 12/03/2023 and provided fund for one patient.•On behalf of World TB Day 24/03/2023 awareness programme regarding prevention of Respiratory disease was conducted in cashew nut factory.On World Health Day 2023,memorizing the 75th anniversary, a rally was organized on 7/04/2023 from College campus to Vettuveni with the theme Health for All.On World Hemophilia Day 17/04/2023 poster presentation was conducted regarding the theme and prizes were distributed.
On world Hand hygiene day, to insist the importance of hand washing, all students demonstrated hand washing steps and best performances were awarded.•On 28/07/2023 World Hepatitis day was celebrated in our college campus. Students presented case study related to liver diseases. The best presenter was rewarded.•Handouts were distributed to create public awareness on World Organ donation Day 13/08/2023.Behalf of World Heart day, Education about warning signs of Heart disease was given to all the patients bystanders on 29/09/2023.On World Pneumonia Day 12/11/2023 Breathing exercise was demonstrated to all the respiratory illness patents in GH.Prevention of respiratory illness heath talk cum discussion was performed on 15/11 2023 in regard to World COPD Day.
In order to enhance and update the recent knowledge in Medical Surgical Nursing regular CNE classes and demonstration were carried out by our faculties. Monthly departmental meetings were held under the HOD to implement uniformity in clinical teaching and practice.
Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing department aims to ensure quality education to the students, in order to provide comprehensive and holistic nursing care to the mother and newborn including women with gynecological problems. Department provides courses in Obstetrical and Gynecological Nursing with theoretical and practical elements to undergraduate and postgraduate students with necessary skills and knowledge to provide comprehensive maternal and child care. It has continued its longstanding tradition of delivering the best, evidenced based care available to the women and pushing the boundaries of research in women’s health. Working with the other departments, we strive to be a leader in patient care, innovative research and obstetric and gynecologic education while promoting excellence in all areas that support women's health.
The students undergoing training in this specialty will be able to acquire overall skill to function as midwives focusing evidence based practice both in the Hospital and Community.
To develop methods to monitor and evaluate midwifery skills of the faculty and students.
To demonstrate competency in maternity skills which promote quality care to the women and child.
To demonstrate ethical in practice and research.
To communicate effectively with diverse audiences, especially with low –income families with limited access to quality health services.
Our Commitment
“We are continuously re- evaluating our place in women’s health and the community while discovering ways to recharge and deepen our commitment to quality, research, training the next generation and leadership in the face of change.”
First-rate educational opportunities were provided by our efficient and eminent faculty.
Clinical experience was obtained from our parent hospital, Government Hospital Kuzhithurai and Rathna Memorial Hospital,Swamiyarmadam.
Simulation activities are carried out to show the eventual real effects of mechanism of labour.
Vivid educational conferences, seminars and workshops were conducted with active participation of students.
Student research activities was conducted in the core areas of women’s health,reproductive health, high risk pregnancy, neonatal care and related health areas pertaining to women and newborns.
Ensured effective and efficient services to our student community and enable them to function as educators, managers and researchers in the field of Maternity Nursing.
Observance of health days
International Women’s day was celebrated on 05/03/2023 by conducting a Fancy dress competition.
Safe motherhood Day was observed on 11/04/2023 by providing health talk to the mothers on the topic safe motherhood.
Breast feeding week was commemorated during the first week of August by our BSc Nursing students by creating awareness programme on breast feeding and its importance.
Breast cancer awareness month was observed by conducting various health education talks and demonstrated Breast Self Examination in the nearby village.
World prematurity day was observed by providing health education on prevention of infection in preterm babies to the mothers.
The Department of Child Health Nursing is concerned with the health of infants,children and adolescents, their growth and development and the attainment of full potential as an adult. It aims to impart quality education in the field of child care at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and to contribute quality care for all children. Through the Child Health Nursing course, it intends to prepare the students in the acquisition of advanced and in-depth knowledge,efficient client care skills and the right attitude in the day to day clinical practice of caring for children. The department prepares the students to plan and initiate innovative changes in the care of sick children.
The department conducts seminars, to further enrich the knowledge and practice of the staff and students. Innovative teaching methods like panel discussions,group discussions, role plays, quiz, exhibitions and procedure demonstrations to make teaching-learning more active in the class room, clinical field and community.
The students have gained their curriculum training in GH Kuzhithurai, Moses Mathias Hospital,Nagercoil& Augustiar muni Child Care Hospital, Vellamadam.
With a view to reach out its services to the community, the department celebrates occasions like Newborn Week by giving awareness to the primi mothers regarding the newborn care with the help of pamphlets and flash cards and Children’s Day by organizing community centered activities for the benefit of students.National Deworming day was remembered on 10th February. Health talk was arranged at GH and it was delivered by our students. Immunization day was celebrated by conducting visit to PHC Edaikkodu by the DGNM Students.Breast feeding week was recalled by conducting the awareness programme at GH regarding the importance of breast feeding.On behalf of Newborn care week,awareness programmeconducted to educate parents on how to look after their infants. Poster presentation competition was conducted to commemorate polio awareness week.ORS Preparation demonstration was arranged on behalf of ORS Day. Students done research, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level, which makes learning and practice more evidence based. Our department has sent an article in TNNMC Journal and it was published on March 2023. Organized in-service educational programmes and observational visits to Mentally & Physically challenged school for children, orphanage, Anganwadi which reinforce and promote integrated learning.We the department of child health nursingattained 100% result with distinction & first class.
Conclusion:We as a department thank the Lord Almighty, Management,Principal, and other departmental staff for their constant guidance and support for the successful functioning.
Mental Health Nursing department is under experienced and dedicated faculty render quality education for the undergraduates & post graduate students to assist them in developing expertise and in depth understanding in the field of psychiatric nursing. Helped the students to render care to the client as a holistic individual and develop skills to function as an educator, manager and researcher in the field of psychiatric nursing.
On 11th March 2023, No Smoking Day was observed. Health talk given byIII year B.Sc (N) students regarding ill effects of smoking.
World Disabled Day was observed on 15th March2023. Elocution competition was conducted for all the batches and winners were appreciated.
World Elder Abuse Awareness day was observed on 15th June 2023.Awareness programme was arranged at GH Kuzhithurai. Elderly and their family members were gathered and education given regarding importance of prevention, isolation and spotting warning signs of abuse.
World Suicide Prevention day was observed on 10th September 2023.Awareness programme was organized in government school Kuzhithurai with the theme of “Creating hope through action”. Students from Standard
11 and 12 have participated.
On behalf of World Alzheimer’s Day, awareness and memory training programme was conducted on 21st September 2023 at old age home Pilankalai and Emmaus Rehabilitation center for mentally ill women.
World Mental Health Day was celebrated on 10th October 2023. “Quiz”competition was conducted within the college based on the theme “Mental Health is an universal human right”. Students were actively participated and winners were appreciated.
On the occasion of International Day of person with disabilities, , 3rd December 2023, college has identified an underprivileged disabled person from Nariyanvilai village. Reassured the client & as a token of love Rs.1000/- has provided from SNA unit.
As our practices are moving towards Community oriented, we the Community Health Nursing department prepares our students to meet the everchanging challenges of society. Our department has upgraded the skills, promoted in-depth knowledge and developed positive attitude in various aspects towards current trends in community health. During Community posting, students have identified and solved various health problems in the community through innovative and cost effective strategies. The Department regularly organizes Household surveys, School health programme, Health projects, Mass campaigns, home visits, Health awareness programs, Camps, Helping the needy in the rural areas.
National Girl Child Day was observed on 24th January 2023, Drawing competition was conducted for the students with the theme “Digital generation,our generation”.
On behalf of World Leprosy Day, Best out of Waste competition was conducted on 26th January 2023 for all the batches and winners were appreciated.
February 10th, National Deworming Day was remembered by giving Health Talk on Prevention of Worm Infestation to the Community people.
On 22nd March 2023, World Day for Water was organized by conducting Poster Presentation and best poster was awarded.
Our II PBBSc(N), IV BSc(N), and III DGNM students conducted Mass Awareness Programme at Government High School, Melpuram. Health assessment was conducted and educated the students about the early detection, treatment and prevention of Anemia through skit, puppet show on Worm Infestation, health teaching and Mime on Ill effects of Mobile Addiction.
Our IV BSc(N) students conducted research and mini projects in Palliyadi and Melpuram Community area.World Malaria Day was remembered on 25th April 2023, Community awareness programme was given through Villupattu to the public.On June 6th 2023, World Environmental Day was celebrated by conducting Slogan writing competition and best one was appreciated.In rural community, our Students helped the needy by providing vegetables, planted saplings as a token of kindness.World Rabies Day was observed on 28th September 2023,Health Talk was given to public
We are thankful to God Almighty for his guidance and blessings. I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Management, Principal, Staffs and Students for their constant support, dedication and encouragement to perform such activities.
Our placement cell is functioning under well experienced faculties with the guidance of management.
1.New building for college.
2.Enhancement of seats to 100 for Bsc(N).
I shall be failing in my duty,if I do not thank our dedicated management,our administrative officer and supporting staff.I express my indebtedness to all who were helped in raising the institution where it stands today.I wish, let us all work together to create a campus that will provide each student with the positive support towards the marvelous success by creating rich experiences, challenging projects, high academic achievements and inspired learners prepared to thrive in the twenty first century. I welcome all the aspirants to join their hands with us for their academic journey to turn out as a successful nursing professional.My whole hearted thanks to all parents who have been in touch with us during the year &their valuable suggestion helped us to improve.
We can, we will, we are one team.